Functional Communication Course Bundle
Three Great Courses for Increasing Functional Communication
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
All Courses, Functional Communication/Early Communicators
Everything you need to get started using AAC with clients. This course includes two hour-long webinar recordings along with a printable AAC Starter Kit with picture boards, lesson plans, and a step-by-step plan for implementation.
All Courses, Functional Communication/Early Communicators
Presentation and therapy materials for working with children who are not yet speaking or who are only speaking a few words. Includes a 1-hour presentation and three no-prep therapy kits.
All Courses, Functional Communication/Early Communicators, Language Skills
Presentation and therapy materials for doing speech-language therapy with children who use echolalia. Includes a 1-hour presentation and three no-prep therapy kits.