5th Grade Core Language Program
Common Core Aligned
Language Intervention Curriculum
5th Grade Level Only!
To view other grade levels, or purchase the full K-5 bundle, click on one below:
(KINDERGARTEN LEVEL ONLY) Pre-made lessons and workbooks for teaching language skills to children with language delays. Can be administered by classroom teachers, aides, or speech-language pathologists.
(1ST GRADE LEVEL ONLY) Pre-made lessons and workbooks for teaching language skills to children with language delays. Can be administered by classroom teachers, aides, or speech-language pathologists.
(2ND GRADE LEVEL ONLY) Pre-made lessons and workbooks for teaching language skills to children with language delays. Can be administered by classroom teachers, aides, or speech-language pathologists.
(3rd GRADE LEVEL ONLY) Pre-made lessons and workbooks for teaching language skills to children with language delays. Can be administered by classroom teachers, aides, or speech-language pathologists.
(4th GRADE LEVEL ONLY) Pre-made lessons and workbooks for teaching language skills to children with language delays. Can be administered by classroom teachers, aides, or speech-language pathologists.
Oral Language Skill Instruction for
Small Group or 1:1 Intervention
Pre-Made Lessons for Improving Underlying Language Skills
Training for Speech-Language Professionals
Training for Educators and Aides
Training for District Coordinators
Training for Caregivers
5th Grade Program
Need Other Grade Levels? (Discount Code Included!)
Frequently Asked Questions - Written FAQs
How to Email Someone a Checklist or Portion of the Program
How to Use this Program Digitally (Teletherapy or on a Device)
Work Directly with Carrie
Free Recording: How to Set Up School-Wide Language Interventions
Pre-made language lessons to boost skills and help students catch up
Discounts on Multiple Licenses
Each Lesson Targets...
One Specific Language Skill from the Common Core (Including Syntax & Grammar)
Following Directions
Asking and Answering Questions
Retelling Narratives or Information
Using the Target Skill in One of Three Conversational Tasks: Telling a Narrative, Giving Information, or Stating an Opinion
Classroom teachers are better equipped to help students
Students get the help them need more quickly
Fewer students are referred to special education
Target a new language skill per week and then cycle back around
Click a grade to see the language targets for that grade level:
Foundational Language Skills:
1. Ask and Answer Questions (Download the Free Sample!)
2. Understanding and Telling Narratives
3. Understanding and Providing Information
4. Understanding and Stating Opinions
Syntax Skills:
5. Using Frequently Occurring Nouns
6. Forming Regular Plural Nouns
7. Using Frequently Occurring Verbs
8. Understanding and Using Question Words (Interrogatives)
9. Using the Most Frequently Occurring Prepositions
10. Producing and Expanding Complete Sentences
Vocabulary Skills:
11. Identifying New Meanings for Familiar Multiple-Meaning Words
12. Using the Most Frequently Occurring Affixes (-s, -ed, re-, un-, etc.)
13. Relating Common Words to their Opposites (Antonyms)
14. Sorting Common Objects into Categories
15. Distinguishing Shades of Meaning Between 2 Similar Verbs
16. Identifying Real-World Connections Between Words and their Use
Foundational Language Skills:
1. Ask and Answer Questions
2. Understanding and Telling Narratives
3. Understanding and Providing Information
4. Understanding and Stating Opinions
Syntax Skills:
5. Using Common, Proper, and Possessive Nouns + Determiners (Articles, Demonstratives)
6. Using Singular and Plural Nouns with Matching Verbs
7. Using Personal Possessive and Indefinite Pronouns
8. Using Past, Present, and Future Verbs
9. Using Adjectives
10. Using Conjunctions and Prepositions
Vocabulary Skills:
11. Using Context to Understand Unknown Words (Including Multiple Meaning Words and Feeling/Senses Words)
12. Understanding and Using Affixes
13. Understanding and Using Root Words and Inflectional Forms
14. Sorting Words into Categories and Defining Words with Key Attributes
15. Identifying Real-World Connections Between Words and their Use
16. Distinguishing Shades of Meaning Between Similar Words
Foundational Language Skills:
1. Ask and Answer Questions
2. Understanding and Telling Narratives
3. Understanding and Providing Information
4. Understanding and Stating Opinions
Syntax Skills:
5. Using Collective Nouns and Irregular Plural Nouns
6. Using Reflexive Pronouns
7. Using Past Tense Verbs
8. Using Adjectives and Adverbs
9. Using Compound Sentences
10. Understanding and Using Formal vs. Informal English
Vocabulary Skills:
11. Using Context to Guess at Unknown Words
12. Understanding and Using Prefixes and Root Words
13. Defining Words Using Glossaries and Dictionaries (Including Multiple Meaning Words)
14. Using Compound Words
15. Identifying Real-World Connections Between Words and their Use
16. Distinguishing Shades of Meaning Between Closely Related Verbs and Adjectives
Foundational Language Skills:
1. Ask and Answer Questions
2. Understanding and Telling Narratives
3. Understanding and Providing Information
4. Understanding and Stating Opinions
Syntax Skills:
5. Using Regular and Irregular Nouns and Abstract Nouns
6. Using Regular and Irregular Verbs + Simple Verb Tenses
7. Using Proper Subject/Verb and Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement
8. Understanding and Using Possessives
9. Using Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs
10. Using Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions + Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
Vocabulary Skills:
11. Using Sentence Level Context as a Clue to the Meaning of an Unknown Word or Phrase
12. Using Affixes and Root Words
13. Using Glossaries and Dictionaries to Define Words
14. Understanding Literal vs. Non-literal Meanings
15. Identifying Real-World Connections Between Words and their Use
16. Distinguishing Shades of Meaning Between Similar Words
Foundational Language Skills:
1. Ask and Answer Questions
2. Understanding and Telling Narratives
3. Understanding and Providing Information
4. Understanding and Stating Opinions
Syntax Skills:
5. Using Relative Pronouns and Adverbs
6. Using Progressive Verb Tenses
7. Using Modal Auxiliaries
8. Using Proper Order for Adjectives in a Sentence
9. Using Prepositional Phrases
10. Producing Complete Sentences and Recognizing Fragments/Run Ons
Vocabulary Skills:
11. Using Context to Figure out Unknown Words
12. Understanding and Using Greek and Latin Affixes
13. Using Reference Materials to Define Unknown Words
14. Understanding and Using Similes and Metaphors
15. Understanding and Using Idioms and Proverbs
16. Understanding and Using Antonyms and Synonyms
Foundational Language Skills:
1. Ask and Answer Questions
2. Understanding and Telling Narratives
3. Understanding and Providing Information
4. Understanding and Stating Opinions
Syntax Skills:
5. Explaining the Function Conjunctions, Prepositions, Interjections
6. Using Perfect Verb Tenses
7. Using Verb Tense to Convey Times, Sequences, States, and Conditions
8. Recognizing and Correcting Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense
9. Using Correlative Conjunctions
10. Expanding, Combining, and Reducing Sentences
Vocabulary Skills:
11. Using Context to Identify Word Meanings
12. Understanding and Using Greek and Latin Affixes and Root Words
13. Using Reference Materials to Identify Unknown Words
14. Understanding and Using Similes and Metaphors
15. Understanding and Using Idioms
16. Understanding and Using Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homographs
Program Creator
Each lesson targets multiple language skills
Discounts on Multiple Licenses
This program is designed to be administered for 30 minutes weekly. This could be broken up into two shorter sessions or done all at once. Some children may benefit from repeating the 30-minute lesson twice weekly.
Each grade level contains 16 weeks of lessons so that you can cover two grades worth of language skills in 1 school year.
This program is intended to be a supplement to the classroom instruction that is already happening in the general education curriculum. Targeting language skills once per week is not enough time to teach new concepts from start to finish. This should be administered in addition to the regular education instruction that is already happening.
This program is also not intended to replace language therapy by a licensed speech-language pathologist (SLP), although it can be used by an SLP in therapy. If a child is able to learn language skills by going through this program with a teacher or aide, then that child simply needed additional practice on these skills and would not have needed a full referral to special education/speech-language pathology. If children are not making progress in the general education curriculum, referrals to speech-language pathology should be provided.
This program can be used for either! In a multi-tiered support system, we often see interventions used first in a small group setting with either the classroom teacher, instructional aide, or speech-language pathologist.
If the child does not make progress in the small group setting, he/she may be more moved to individual intervention so that the program can be modified to meet his/her needs. This will likely be done by the speech-language pathologist or professional.
When a child is struggling with language skills in the regular classroom, this program can be administered "as is" in small groups or in 1:1 intervention. However, if the child does not make progress with this approach, a speech-language pathologist will be best suited to modify and adapt this program to meet that child's needs.
Some of the ways a speech-language pathologist may modify this program include:
Not every child will be identified with a language delay at the same time. This program is designed so that a student could drop into a group mid-year and still be able to make progress in the program.
Each lesson targets a specific language concept but will also include asking and answering questions, following directions, retelling stories/information, and conversational skills. Since these skills are being addressed every week, students can join the group whenever they are referred or identified.
At the end of the 16-week intervention, if the student hasn't mastered all of the language skills (due to joining halfway through), they can repeat that grade level with the next group to go through it.
If you need additional help getting your school or district set up to use this program, Carrie Clark offers educational consulting as well. Carrie will help you set up programs and systems to support children with language delays from start to finish.
For more information about consulting with Carrie, email [email protected]
In order to simplify ordering, we ask that you purchase one program/license per speech-language pathologist or professional that will be administering the program.
That means, if you would like to use this program for your whole school and you have two speech-language professionals on staff, you would purchase two licenses. This would allow you to use this program for any student in the school who needs it. You will still be allowed to have classroom teachers or instructional aides use the program to work with the child, you will simply pay based on how many SLPs will be administering the program.
To purchase multiple licenses with a discount, please email us at [email protected] and let us know how many licenses you would like to purchase. We also accept purchase orders.
If ordering through purchase order, please include the name and email address of the person who will receive the digital copy of the program.
Yes!! We have a full video walkthrough on how to use the program for teletherapy inside our free preview. Access the free preview here!
You can pull this PDF up on your screen and never have to print it out! To use the program for teletherapy, open the PDF on your computer and then share your screen. There should be an "annotate" feature on your video conferencing or teletherapy software. This will allow you to draw/write on your screen to help the student fill in the blanks.
Watch our teletherapy walkthrough below 👇🏿